Sunday, 10 July 2011


Yesterday (after goodness how long I've been waiting) I went to go see the Abbey Medieval Festival.

Oh. My. Gosh.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I will go next year!!! It is absolutely amazing! I can't begin to describe it! x3

Umm well to start with? The atmosphere! You can tell that everyone there (apart from maybe the bratty kids, but they're always like that) wanted to be there and was interested in what was there... And some of the costumes were awesome!!! There were some where it was like "Woah, bitch please... Put that away". Well maybe not quite that bad :P But there were also some where I was like ":O I can haz? Now?"

There was a jousting championship being held throughout the day and I watched the first session. There were two guys and a girl from Poland, and a girl from NSW, Australia... Let's just say I was going for the Aussie :3 She got through as well as one of the Polish guys, but I don't know who won the final championship thingy at the end of the day, because I would have been somewhere else...

One of the main reasons I went was to see [Riot!] fence; as well as hunt for a birthday present for him... Let's just say the hunt was fruitless =.= Must he be so annoying to buy for?!?!?! Maybe he wouldn't be so annoying if he weren't buying things throughout the day, leaving me with less options... Ugh. But I wasn't thinking about that when he was actually fencing... :3

What!?!? Don't tell me you wouldn't be distracted if you're boyfriend (ignore this next bit if you're a straight male) was fencing (you know, like fighting with a sword) in an outfit that's not too shabby... Ehehehe ^.^ Oh? I'm the only one? Eh, whatever... I like me some eye candy ^.^ Okay, I'm gonna shut up now...

LOL JOKES! I still have shiz to talk about :3 LOL at your life readers!

Ahem. Anyways... [Riot!] showed me around to a few stalls and one of the jewellery ones caught my eye... So what did I do? Well... After 10 minutes of having a mental battle over two similar necklaces I wanted which were both pentagrams, I chose one with... A fairy! Damn straight!

Shut up... I love fairies!!! For as long as I can remember I've always had an interest in them... I even have a collection of fairy figurines I used to play with... But I don't collect them anymore! Pfft, that would be just childish... :P Though I will admit some still catch my eye every now and again /Facepalm/ I really need to grow up...

So anyways, this fairy is silver with a gold dress, and gold shoes and hair. It's a kinda chunky sort of necklace with a long chain. Both of those aspects I normally hate on a necklace, but this one is different somehow. Ever since I bought it, I've kinda fallen in love with it :3 I didn't even want to take it off last night when I went to go to sleep! I did though, because I don't want to break it or anything... I could even go as far as saying I honestly feel as though I am wearing a guardian angel type thing around my neck... I have no idea how or why! I bought this necklace yesterday... The initial reason behind it was to stop the pentagram quarrel with myself... Now I can't see me wearing anything else! :P

Ahem, I really should move on... Gypsies! Yeah there were gypsies at Abbey. Not that I necessarily believe in what they believe in, but I found their dresses and jewelerry pretty, and what they slept in was small, but cute and quaint. Not that you'd catch me in them... No power points or internet!?!? Schhh no thank you!

Oh and there were at least to women walking around on stilts dressed as tree nymphs... They were pretty! :3

There was also some cannon thing going off every now and again... Sometimes I'd be all "Yeah, I didn't jump... WIN!" Then other times (like when we were unaware we were 30m away from the thing) I'd be like /Jumps/ "Ahhh! What the heck!?!?!" much to [Riot!]'s amusement I'm sure... :P

On a random tangent, I slept over [That Dancer Chick]'s house last night and met her Italian exchange student who is to be staying in Oz for the next 6 months... I shall call her [Italy!] (inspired I know, but don't judge me. I'm tired.) and she's really nice! :) She knows a fair amount of English, though every now and again [TDC] and I were left doing hand signals and trying to explain what some words were to her. I had a look through her Italian-English dictionary and attempted to learn some words, though the constant correction of pronunciation from [Italy!] reminded me that I really suck at learning other languages... :P I'm sure if I truly put my heart in it I could, but that's the problem... Which language do I want to learn more!?!?! D:

Anywho, I told her that if she [TDC] was ever away or unable to be found, she could always come hang with me! (If my friends have an issue with this, which I'm sure they wouldn't, they can stick it hehe).

Anyways, dinner is ready and I am starving!!! Om nom nom... Until next time! :D

~You're gonna be pop-u-who-lur...~

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