Monday, 21 March 2011

I'm Under Your Spell

For those of you that don't know, the title of this post is the title of a song from the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now I actually have never watched an episode of the show... But my very good friend [Riot!] sent it to me one hot summer's day (cause I totally remember the weather of everyday someone sends music to me...), and I fell in love! With the song that is...

The idea of magic existing in the world absolutely fascinates and exhilarates me! I guess I've just never gotten past that childhood stage of running around with a stick yelling out random Harry Potter spells, or death glaring someone and legitimately imagining them blowing them up all with the power of my mind!!! (Cause I'm not a wannabe psychopathic killer at all...)

Having watched the TV series, Charmed, I find myself talking like one or all three of the main witch characters, and constantly wishing I could blow someone up with my hands Piper-style, or orb away to some far away place to think like Paige... Or even be able to levitate like Phoebe... But alas, I can't... This makes me unbelievably disappointed!!!

Maybe I have an extremely childish mind for someone my age... Or maybe magic really is real and is screaming at me *Jaaaadeee!!! There's this kid I know you would looooove to blow up... Wanna learn how?*... Of course I am joking because I would never want to hurt anyone... He he he... *Shifty eyes* Not at all...

Oooooh! Imagine... MissInvisible really being invisible hehehehehe... The thought of that excites me wayyy too much... But I mean, who doesn't want a supernatural or magic power? Of any kind?!?

P.S. I apologise for having neglected my blog for the past couple of days, but I had exams to study for and unfortunately, they come first! =/

~Take another look at the life of Miss Always Invisible~


Gojo said...

You haven't seen Buffy? Aw.
Okay, I'll go read the actual post now. =)

Gojo said...

Okay, I've read it now. And I totes agree.

I am able to do this flying leap over our lounge chair. I learned how to while mimicking anime. Yeahh.
Seriously though, I do all of that. I used to do the Harry Potter spells quite a bit. ^^