I was reminded of this by [Riot!] about half an hour ago...
Okay, the line is from a song called (believe it or not) Christian Side Hug, by a group of which the name I cannot recall... The song is about how you should give everybody "Christian Side Hugs" rather than hugging them from straight on because it creates "sexual urges"... That's right! Sexual urges...
Oh please... I hug my girl friends and guy friends all the time and do NOT get sexual urges... But I do find this song hilarious because they make the song seem as though it is a joke, yet you know they are dead serious about it... Now, I am not condemning them for their Christian beliefs... But I find the idea of giving everybody side hugs both awkward, and funny!
Have you tried giving a side hug to someone? It can be a lot more awkward working out where your arms go then if you simply give them one from the front! If they give me sexual urges... Well I guess I'm just going have to control myself ;) .
Joking! The idea of me giving my friends a hug and getting urges is really weird and disgusting... They're my friends after all!
Just a side note: if anyone reading this has (or is currently... If that's possible) hugging someone and getting sexual urges... Calm down tiger! Geez... You should be ashamed of yourself! I seriously think you ought to consider giving them a good ol' Christian Side Hug instead! ;P
Spread the love through Christian Side Hugs everybody! :D
This post is full of LOL
Omg, did I ever tell you about the online thread I was reading on Christian side hugs?
It's actually taken seriously. Some woman was talking about how she only gives her children side hugs O_O
:O No you didn't tell me! That's crazy... I couldn't not hug my child from the front as normal parents usually do! Wow... I knew some people took it seriously... But their own children?
Well, it's their beliefs I guess...?
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