So (as mentioned yesterday) Channel 10 and the Fatality Free Friday Foundation came to our school... Robbing us of precious time that could've been used to learn Maths & Physics *cough*, only to make us say "We want zero!" Jumping up on the zero... The sentence refers to the number of deaths on the road...
Anyways, so my gorgeous [Phantomess] was interviewed along with a fellow male student... But only the guy was shown on TV... When it was over I was like "Whaaaaaa? Why wasn't [Phantomess] on there? What is this!". Then I totally flipped out and threw the TV out the window... Yeah sure... If this was an extremely over-exaggerated movie of a dramatic genre... But let's just say I did 'cause it makes me look totally buff... Hehehe.
On another note... We we're watching the movie Fireproof in RAVE this afternoon... The movie bored me to death... But the idea of the 40 day challenge intrigued me... Oh right, some of you may have no idea what I am talking about... My apologies!
Basically this dude is a total a**hole to his wife and has been for quite some time... They are both at each other's throats constantly, then the wife says she wants a divorce. He thinks she's been treating him badly, and that he hasn't done anything at all wrong etcetera; and he tells his Dad about how they're getting a divorce and how she's a b***h and other stuff...
So his Dad hands over a small notebook that contains the "Love Dare" telling him to ask his wife to wait 40 days; giving him time to complete the challenge...
In the notebook it lists things to do for 40 days... For example:
Day 1: "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." So you know he just had to keep his mouth shut all day...
Then the days continued with different things he would do to try to win her back. Buy roses, learn about her (here he organises this beautiful dinner and she totes rejects him and goes to bed. I think I found this bit too funny...). About half way through he has to start getting rid of all the bad things like any addictions he has (he watched porn all the time... So he ended up smashing the whole computer with a baseball bat (I swear he smashed too many things in that movie with the bat... I reckon that addiction needed to go too!)).
Anyways, so yeah I was just thinking about how whether or not that really works or not... (Turns out in the end it was a way to get Caleb (the dude potentially getting the divorce) to become Christian so I was like uhhh great...).
If I leave out the Christianity bit, I'm curious as to how whether or not that would really work... Or whether or not a guy would put effort into something like that to save a marriage... Etcetera, etcetera... My mind goes on pointless rambles I swear...
Oh yeah... And he gets his girl back in the end...Happily ever after, and all the usual stuff you hear.... Blech, where's some creativity people?!?
On a random note... My single rein is now over... (So soon she cries!). I'm kidding [Riot!]! :P Yes, that would be the lucky fellow ;P. [Phantomess] knows exactly what I'm talking about when I say that I am the best damn girlfriend/wife material round ;) hehehehe...
No, no... In all seriousness now... Ehhhh, what am I kidding... I'm in no serious mood! Jeez, what world do you live in if you expect me to be all serious like? :O Shame on you...
On another random note... [Phantomess] you better get yourself [tos] tickets verrrry soon, so [Clearly Unfocused] can get the rest of ours, so I can get all hyped up for it chyeahhh? :D Coolz, it's agreed... Hehehe.
Oooooooh! That reminds me... All my musically talented friends :) We need to convince [BlueEyes] to let us go see Doctor Zhivago! I tried... And failed... She didn't even notice my attempts... I was totes devo ;(.
So ummm... I might leave your confuzzled minds so you can retain some sanity again from another one of my pointless rants! :D
~Who knows where this symphony's going...~
Calm, man! Phantomess is giving me the money on Saturday and I'm booking on Saturday afternoon.
I will not calm down till I know for sure that we are going to closing night!!!! :P
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