Yeah, I decided to do one of these...
1) I have one of the most hopeless memories in the world... There are so many things I wish I could remember, but I can't... I always seem to remember small, completely pointless things from my early childhood... Then it's all blank from there.
2) I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Not as bad as some people with their hygiene freak-outs to the point of washing all the skin off their hands... But I prefer my right side to my left and if something happens to one side of my body, I have to do it the other to make it even... (For example, I'll scratch an itch on my left leg, even though I have no itch on my right I will scratch it anyways, just to make it even...)
3) I have the most random assortment of music... It ranges from country, to some modern pop, to Europop, to songs from musicals, to random songs from YouTube...
4) I can listen to a song on repeat tons of times and not get sick of it...
5) My parents accuse me of being anti-social because I stay in my room all afternoon without coming out except for dinner... Reality of the situation is that I don't want to be around the family. Every time my brother or sister open their mouths it sets my teeth on edge, and I hate being pestered by them...
6) I am an incredibly independent person... I prefer spending time by myself or with one person I know quite well, then a whole group of people all the time.
7) I am right-handed.
8) I prefer to wear watches/jewellery on my right hand ([Clearly Unfocused] talked about how people generally wear watches on the opposite arm, but I find this quite difficult...).
9) Aaaaand, I'm already stumped on number 9... I'm doing so well! :P
10) If I am frustrated or upset at something, I talk to an imaginary person... I don't imagine a particular image of somebody or anything, I literally just talk to air, but as though someone is there... Yeah, I'm crazy... But it helps keep me sane! Right?
11) I bite my nails, and the skin around them, and I chew the skin in my mouth... [GoJo] and I both share this habit... The thing is, I have tried breaking it, several times! But I can't seem to kick it.
12) I have never watched a TV show religiously. I watched the series Charmed almost all the way through, but I missed episodes here and there, and I haven't watched the last season.
13) I don't watch any TV anymore actually...
14) Methods that I used to use when I was younger to motivate me to do assignments and homework, now fail... My current method involves me mentally screaming at myself things like "ZOMG JADE! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET WHERE YOU WANT IF YOU CAN'T WRITE EVEN 500 WORDS ON SEA LIONS IN THE GALAPAGOS?!?" Let's just say, it doesn't work as well as it should...
15) I used to be really ticklish... I can resist it a lot more now, but there are some spots that shall always remain exceedingly ticklish... :P
16) I love words like exceedingly... Or verisimilitude... Or rectify... Or other awesome, big English words that make me sound oh-so-smart! :D
17) I am more of a dog-person than a cat-person... WAY more... Dogs > Cats.
18) When I sit down, the foot is above the ground is constantly twitching. People have tried to stop it, heck even I have tried to stop it! It works for a good 10 seconds, then begins again... This usually gets me marked down in English orals...
19) I used to absolutely love Maths, Science and English. Now Maths makes me depressed, English is okay but confusing with [Mr Noodleton] teaching... And the only Science I like is Chemistry! [CrabbyMenopausalBitch] makes Biology just plain annoying, and Physics is just hard...
20) I wish I could stay the age I am, but retain my younger innocence that I had about two and a half years ago...
21) As much as I do find dirty jokes funny at times... Most of the time I feel slightly uncomfortable... Mostly because (as said earlier) I wish I didn't know half of it.
22) I love the idea of learning another language (apart from hello, goodbye, and counting 1-10), but knowing me... I will most likely get frustrated if I don't learn fast enough and then just give up...
23) I have very low patience with things...
24) I can be very hypocritical... I'll say "patience is a virtue!" to someone and five minutes later be complaining about something not happening as fast as I'd like...
25) I am an agnostic... I ponder both sides of the debate equally. I also find sitting on the fence a lot easier than being involved in the endless battle between Creationists and Evolutionists.
26) I absolutely hate driving... It scares me to no end! I am constantly afraid I'll hit someone, or someone will hit me... And when there's cars either side of me going at 80km an hour (even 60 at times...), I feel insanely claustrophobic and grip the steering wheel for dear life... Strangely, I still drive relatively well through this experience...
27) I am not someone who suffers from severe Claustrophobia, but I do have my moments where I really need to go outside, or away from whoever I'm with just to catch my breath.
28) I absolutely love playing games that involve shooting people... I majorly suck at playing them, but I guess the psychopath killer in me loves being able to chill on a random afternoon, turn the PlayStation (Insert other consoles here) on... And shoot some people!
Muahahahahahaha! }:)
29) I want to travel once I'm out of school... Where I want to go is an entirely different question, and one that I struggle to answer... I think it's because I want to go everywhere... All at once!
30) Although I know it is one of the worst things to do... I sing when I have a sore throat... If anything, having a sore throat seems to make me want to sing even more than usual... And I do, because I can't repress the urge!
31) I am pretty sure my voice is ruined for life due to my current throat battle... For some reason, this doesn't bother me as much as it usually would...
32) I regret starting to play the clarinet so late... It didn't strike me that I wanted to play an instrument until very late last year... Watching [Phantomess] and [Clearly Unfocused] with their epic pro-ness makes me oh-so-jealous! >.<
33) I can't argue for my life... Even if I am right, I cannot form sentences that make sense (to other people, 'cause it always makes sense in my head!), and I end up forgetting what it was initially about and just get frustrated and keep on yelling until the other person gives up... Hopefully! :D
34) I never really get sick. The worst I get is a sore throat and a stuffed up nose for a few days then it passes. Never anything major. This month (pro-longed sore throat & feeling run-down) has been the worst I've ever gotten. (Apart from Chicken-Pox and Conjunctivitis as a child)...
35) I think the reason why I'm not feeling so great is because I don't do half as much physical activity as I used to, and I eat a lot more junk, AND I sit around doing sweet FA a lot more... Not good really.
36) I love the term "sweet FA". ^^)
37) I can't sing a song without getting completely into it, emotions and all... Even if I'm singing it stupidly with friends; a part of me is still singing with my heart and soul completely in the song...
38) It usually results in me getting teary-eyed at sad songs, and full on hyper in faster, more boppy songs...
39) I am finding this list getting more and more difficult to complete...
40) I tend to give up on things easily, so the fact that I am almost half way through this thing and still going impresses me very much.
41) When things get too difficult, I have the ability of being able to completely separate any thoughts or emotions about the incident, and go back on it later. It is a gift and a curse.
42) <- The answer to everything! :D
43) I am terrified of what my friends think of me. I haven't fully explained my current situation to them and I don't spend nowhere near as much time with them as I'd like too... I have way too much on lately...
44) I always cry at the wrong times, but can never cry when I want to... This sucks.
45) Every time I laugh, it sounds different. I can have the craziest, maniacal laugh, or a shy little giggle... I'm a mixed bag of laughs...
46) I would absolutely love to be a part of a musical cast. A major one like WICKED or Cats (wow would that one be fun!).
47) The reality of this happening is incredibly slim...
48) If any of my dogs were to die, I would probably be as devastated as I would be if it were any of my family members... They are such a huge part of my life.
49) I grew up listening to country music such as Garth Brooks and Kasey Chambers. I still listen to them and absolutely love them! I will never tire of their songs. :)
50) I started this a week ago, but due to assignments I completely forgot about completing it till now...
51) ZOMG! I'm past half way!!! :D
52) I have a set routine of doing certain things. I have a very specific order of what I do in the morning, right up to how I brush my teeth. I do the same things every single morning. If I don't, I don't feel right until it's corrected.
53) Talking to my Mum can become the most confusing, random conversations of all time... Sometimes it takes a good 10 minutes for Mum to begin to understand what I'm talking about, then I get confused about what she starts talking about... It's an endless cycle filled with lots of "WHAT!?!" "I don't know, I'm confused..." etc.
54) I can't hate a person. I have never been able to actually hate someone, and I don't plan to. I can dislike someone, but not hate. It sounds all cheesy, or fake. But it is 100% true.
55) <- I like double numbers... Don't know why. They're just cool. :D
56) I judge myself on the actions and decisions I make, more than I judge any other person on whatever they do.
57) I also am my own biggest critic.
58) Nowadays, if music isn't playing I feel rather lost... I play music in the background way too much! :P
59) I am not a morning person =.= I am writing this after getting up at 5am to try and work more on my Physics assignment... In the end, I basically got nothing done.
60) I am not easily distrac... Ooooh! Shiny! :D
61) I hate it when people judge me for my actions when they know nothing about me except my name and what grade I'm in.
62) I enjoy conversing with my friend [TeeGee] about topics such as the one above. ^^
63) I find it quite annoying when I struggle to think of things to put on this list while typing it up, but as soon as I shut down my laptop and head off to go do whatever I'm doing; multiple things come to mind. When I get back on, I've forgotten them. =.=
64) I am very fussy when it comes to desserts... Literally. I pretty much eat chocolate (that's plain milk chocolate mind you) and ice cream; and that's pretty much it.
65) Yes, I am a special child ^^
66) <- Add another 6 on that and that sums me up... Hehe.
67) I have the best immune system in my family. The amount of times my sister gets sick, which makes my brother and Mum sick, and for me not to get sick... Is around 300 out of 365 days in a year...
68) My incessant singing is the main reason for all the sore throats I get. :P
69) Need I say more? Hehe.
70) I am very competitive... And I can be a sore loser at times... I tend to not play many games with people where I could potentially lose, purely for the reason that I want to win. :P
71) People who don't know me that well seem to be intimidated or weirded out by me because I always seem to come across as either depressed, or ticked off...
72) I daydream... A lot! Thus why people seem to think I'm depressed...
73) I hate spiders. They creep me out sooo much! Ick.
74) I had nightmares for weeks involving the scene from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with the giant spider... Let it be known that I was seven years old at the time... Though I will admit I'm still not entirely happy watching it even now... =.=
75) I don't like movies that originated from books. If I have read the books beforehand I expect so much from the movie, only to find they miss out half the storyline... Though it is entertaining having conversations with my Mum about why on earth certain scenes aren't in the movie, etc.
76) My Mum and I have the most random conversations at times. ^^
78) If I had to pick a favourite between my Mum and my Dad... It would be my Dad... I get along with him a lot better, and he is the reason why I listen to half the music I do! :D
79) I can be a hopeless romantic at times... But when I'm watching movies where they have cheesy love scenes, or kissing scenes in general, I just go "Bleh, move on...".
80) I can be incredibly bi-polar. ^^
81) <- I don't like odd numbers... They irritate me for some unknown reason.
82) <- I like even numbers or multiples of 5. It seems that numbers ending with a five seem to be the only odd numbers I can stand.
83) When I was around six years old, I was going into the spa. My cocker spaniel, Tia, followed me and looked as though she as about to jump in. My brother (quiet as he is) was saying, "No Tia", you know the usual... I turned around and said to him, "[Brother], I'll handle this. P*** off Tia!"
84) My Mum told me of this about half a week ago... She also told me she didn't tell me off because she was laughing too hard...
85) ^^ I have had the best upbringing ever! :P
86) I am finding the school's production of One to be absolutely horrible... I am already embarrassed and we haven't even begun full rehearsals yet. =.=
87) After watching the series, Charmed, I found that every now and again I would begin speaking like on of the three sisters... I switched between sisters all the time, depending on what I was saying...
88) I am sad to say that I no longer do that... It's been too long since I've watched it!
89) <- The age I would like to hope that I reach. If I reach this, my life is complete!
90) Thanks to [Phantomess], I have found that I think in LOL cat... It is actually really difficult to repress the urge to talk in it!
91) I am typing these next few up as fast as I can so I can get out on time for lunch...
92) I enjoy long walks on the beach, and kissing in the rain... Yeah, like every other girl in the world... :P
93) [GoJo] has now had two dreams involving me having a real 'fun' time with two of our guy friends... I am seriously worried.
94) I hate needles. I usually hyperventilate when in the waiting line beforehand... Yeah, it's bad...
95) Yet, I don't mind blood tests...? I don't feel a thing.
96) I tend to say goodbye in other languages more than English...
97) I love how my Biology teacher writes on my draft, "You've worked really hard on this, just work on these suggestions", then goes and fills every single page of my assignment with red pen. =.=
98) ZOMG! I'm so close I can taste it! Not literally, cause that would just be weird...
99) <- Oh yeah, double odd numbers seem to be all cool with me too... Chyeah.
100) I love finally being able to finish a list of 100 things... :D
~Au revoir~
Monday, 30 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Well Hi!
Hey there! How y'all been?
Yeah, I know I haven't blogged in a while... And believe me I've missed it!!!
The reason why I haven't been able to blog lately is because I was actually working on assignments... *Insert gasp of horror here*.
Oh I know, I know... It's impressive isn't it? :P
Anyways, for this blog I shall give a maybe-not-so-detailed description of random things I can remember over the past few days...
English Extension was actually OK for once... Mostly because our teacher, [Mr Noodleton], was almost as deliriously tired as the rest of us were and ended up cracking dirty jokes that had [GoJo] and I LOL'ing for rest of the lesson... Come on. Fallacious arguments? ... Let's just say [GoJo] and I couldn't read anything with a straight face or mind for the rest of the night... :P
After that, I headed over to [Riot!]'s place so I could tag along to one of his fencing sessions. I've always been interested in fencing; so I was keen to go see an actual training session in progress.
So we get to the place and the first thing [Riot!] and his Uncle do is a bow before entering the building. Here I am awkwardly shuffling in knowing that I don't have to do it, but still praying that no one will see me walk in without having done it... Yeah, nice one...
While [Riot!] was training, his Uncle (who had the class afterwards) was explaining me to the basics (and the not-so-basics) of fencing and what the different groups were doing... I was standing there completely confused by most of the terms he was using, but stood there smiling and nodding in agreement... Like the model woman I am! :P
All I remember are the order of the first half of classes you go in... Beginner, Novice, Scholar, Free Scholar... Yeah [Riot!] can rant at me for getting them wrong and remind me of the ones after that all he wants laterz... (So according to [Riot!] I have the first few right, which is a good sign! He just reminded me of the last three but I can't be bothered writing them in... :P)
The head of the fencing school is called the Maestro. Now I absolutely love this guy! (Not in any romantic way whatsoever because he's relatively older than me, has a wife and several kids (as informed by [Riot!]) and yeah, so ew.). But watching him randomly join a Scholar group in practice and do the moves with them was awe-inspiring... He performs the moves so effortlessly and dance-like it was actually quite hypnotizing!
At one point he was against the second highest fencer there (who I believe is in the Swordsmen class), and I was amazed at the speed and precision of them!
I think I was literally sitting there doing a :O face, not able to move. When they finished, I felt quite dizzy strangely...
RANDOM NOTE! I am currently listening to the song Jack Sparrow (I have mentioned this before...) But but but... It is such a damn catchy song! :D
Michael Bolton: "Life is a box of chocolates, and my name is Forrest Gump. Though I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed... I give Jenny all of my love!"
Lonely Island: "Not good enough..."
Michael Bolton: "Okay then I'm a legal aide, Erin Brockavich is my name!"
Lonely Island: "No..."
Michael Bolton: "And you can call me Scarface... Snortin' mountains of Cocaine!"
Lonely Island: "Ugh, good enough..."
Anyways, moving on...
I have been reading all my friend's blogs and all have them have done a "100 Things About Me" theme... I'm tempted to do one myself, but I'm not sure if I want to become a conformist :P Or if I could actually finish the list...
I just realised how amazingly boring my life is currently... Most likely because I have assignments calling out to me in a creepy voice, saying how they are due in a day or two... Yet, I still don't find the motivation to do it! Instead, I go on Facebook, read blogs, talk to people on the phone, or on Windows Live Messenger.
Yesterday afternoon was another two hour rehearsal for the school musical thingo. Yeah, I'm still confused as heck about what's going on... All I remember from yesterday is being told that I get to be a stay-at-home Mum who is wearing a hippie-like outfit because I'm the 'Earth' element... Whatevs, I just like the idea of dressing up like a hippie! :D
Maybe I should dress up like that for the Inter-clan Athletics Carnival coming up... Naaaaaaa... But, I have no idea what I am going to dress up as! D: Oh well, I have three weeks in the holidays to figure it out...
"These tear dro-o-ops, that drip drop drip drop..." Oh Safura I love you! :)
So I am sitting in Spare currently, (after [Riot!] ditched me cause he's too chicken to face [TheLau]), and the most awesome sub teacher ever [Innes] is covering for a... Not so loved teacher [Kingy] while he's on paternity leave... (Nawwwws at having a baby though!)
Soon, most of the musos at our school will be headed out to Redbank to perform All That Jazz and Quad City Stomp for our adoring audiences... Eh, I just want time out of school! But in all seriousness, I hope we do well for our teacher's sake... I'm terrified she's going to pass out one day from over-stressing... Or maybe not! She could be one of those invincible teachers that never seem to get seriously injured or die... Like [CrabbyMenopausalBitch]...
Okay, no one is as bad as [CrabbyMenopausalBitch]...
KEY CHANGE! :D Both a reference to the production of [tos] which I shall be seeing very soon with all my groupies! :D It is also a reference that [Tenuto Tuo] would understand... "Now I wait, in the cold, and this is getting old..." Alsou FTW!
Ooooh! Now it's Lipstick! :D
Okay okay... I shall move on from bantering about songs...
Except now I have run out of things to talk about... Hmmm...
Considering I haven't blogged in a fair while I would think I would have more to talk... And I did! I remember all last week something would come up and I would be all like ZOMG! BLOG WORTHY! But then I go to start a blog and sit there going 'uhmmmmm...' Yeah, I love how my brain works! =.=
So, I should probably wrap this up... (Finally, it's taken me over two days to write this thing :P)...
Go forth with the wise words of Jedward.
~"You gotta know just how to treat this miss, or she'll be dismissed..."~
I just realised how amazingly boring my life is currently... Most likely because I have assignments calling out to me in a creepy voice, saying how they are due in a day or two... Yet, I still don't find the motivation to do it! Instead, I go on Facebook, read blogs, talk to people on the phone, or on Windows Live Messenger.
Yesterday afternoon was another two hour rehearsal for the school musical thingo. Yeah, I'm still confused as heck about what's going on... All I remember from yesterday is being told that I get to be a stay-at-home Mum who is wearing a hippie-like outfit because I'm the 'Earth' element... Whatevs, I just like the idea of dressing up like a hippie! :D
Maybe I should dress up like that for the Inter-clan Athletics Carnival coming up... Naaaaaaa... But, I have no idea what I am going to dress up as! D: Oh well, I have three weeks in the holidays to figure it out...
"These tear dro-o-ops, that drip drop drip drop..." Oh Safura I love you! :)
So I am sitting in Spare currently, (after [Riot!] ditched me cause he's too chicken to face [TheLau]), and the most awesome sub teacher ever [Innes] is covering for a... Not so loved teacher [Kingy] while he's on paternity leave... (Nawwwws at having a baby though!)
Soon, most of the musos at our school will be headed out to Redbank to perform All That Jazz and Quad City Stomp for our adoring audiences... Eh, I just want time out of school! But in all seriousness, I hope we do well for our teacher's sake... I'm terrified she's going to pass out one day from over-stressing... Or maybe not! She could be one of those invincible teachers that never seem to get seriously injured or die... Like [CrabbyMenopausalBitch]...
Okay, no one is as bad as [CrabbyMenopausalBitch]...
KEY CHANGE! :D Both a reference to the production of [tos] which I shall be seeing very soon with all my groupies! :D It is also a reference that [Tenuto Tuo] would understand... "Now I wait, in the cold, and this is getting old..." Alsou FTW!
Ooooh! Now it's Lipstick! :D
Okay okay... I shall move on from bantering about songs...
Except now I have run out of things to talk about... Hmmm...
Considering I haven't blogged in a fair while I would think I would have more to talk... And I did! I remember all last week something would come up and I would be all like ZOMG! BLOG WORTHY! But then I go to start a blog and sit there going 'uhmmmmm...' Yeah, I love how my brain works! =.=
So, I should probably wrap this up... (Finally, it's taken me over two days to write this thing :P)...
Go forth with the wise words of Jedward.
~"You gotta know just how to treat this miss, or she'll be dismissed..."~
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
A Potentially Pointless Post...
"Here I come, da da dum..." I totally do not have the song Lipstick by Jedward in my head at all, no... *Shifty eyes*... As well as Taken By A Stranger by Lena Meyer-Landrut... Hehehe...
So in case you didn't know already... The Eurovision Song Contest has been and gone... Turns out that Azerbaijan won... To which my reaction was WHAAAAAA?!?! Because, let's face it, it wasn't my most favourite of songs...
One of my favourites was Popular by Eric Saade for Sweden. Though he isn't the best when it comes to singing live, it's still a catchy song and of course... I loves me some Eric Saade! ^^)
I actually liked quite a fair few songs this year! I actually wanted a few countries to win... But one of them was NOT Azerbaijan... Let's just say that the stage next year will be nowhere near as epic as the stage was in Düsseldorf this year... *Sigh*
Moving on... [Carl] showed me a new song from the Lonely Islands a couple of days ago called Jack Sparrow. It features Michael Bolton. Though I have never heard of him before in my life, I absolutely have fallen in love with his voice... And the fact that he is referred to as a "cinephile" which means someone who is quite fond of films...
The song is the most random thing I have ever heard... You have the Lonely Islands singing about being in a club and trying to hook up with these girls (you know, the usual kind of music we have nowadays...), then you have Michael just randomly start singing about Jack Sparrow! The first time I heard this I was literally LOL'ing for quite some time...
Especially when later on you have Michael dress up and sing about Jack Sparrow, Forrest Gump, Erin Brockavich (Yes, that is a scary one...) and Scarface (while throwing around cocaine...). I mean... What's not to love? :P
Of course the language in the song isn't the best at times... (Especially the very last line). But the song is insanely catchy! I didn't think it would get in my head and stay there as much as it has... Of course, this makes it difficult to think... What with all the other Eurovision, Eric Saade, WICKED, and other random songs from anything beginning with Chamber Singers to (what I think) is classic music that I have grown up with (mostly my Dad's music (which is a fair amount of country...)).
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this post was... But I am running out of time (Spare lesson) so I shall end it here! :D
~This is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow~
So in case you didn't know already... The Eurovision Song Contest has been and gone... Turns out that Azerbaijan won... To which my reaction was WHAAAAAA?!?! Because, let's face it, it wasn't my most favourite of songs...
One of my favourites was Popular by Eric Saade for Sweden. Though he isn't the best when it comes to singing live, it's still a catchy song and of course... I loves me some Eric Saade! ^^)
I actually liked quite a fair few songs this year! I actually wanted a few countries to win... But one of them was NOT Azerbaijan... Let's just say that the stage next year will be nowhere near as epic as the stage was in Düsseldorf this year... *Sigh*
Moving on... [Carl] showed me a new song from the Lonely Islands a couple of days ago called Jack Sparrow. It features Michael Bolton. Though I have never heard of him before in my life, I absolutely have fallen in love with his voice... And the fact that he is referred to as a "cinephile" which means someone who is quite fond of films...
The song is the most random thing I have ever heard... You have the Lonely Islands singing about being in a club and trying to hook up with these girls (you know, the usual kind of music we have nowadays...), then you have Michael just randomly start singing about Jack Sparrow! The first time I heard this I was literally LOL'ing for quite some time...
Especially when later on you have Michael dress up and sing about Jack Sparrow, Forrest Gump, Erin Brockavich (Yes, that is a scary one...) and Scarface (while throwing around cocaine...). I mean... What's not to love? :P
Of course the language in the song isn't the best at times... (Especially the very last line). But the song is insanely catchy! I didn't think it would get in my head and stay there as much as it has... Of course, this makes it difficult to think... What with all the other Eurovision, Eric Saade, WICKED, and other random songs from anything beginning with Chamber Singers to (what I think) is classic music that I have grown up with (mostly my Dad's music (which is a fair amount of country...)).
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this post was... But I am running out of time (Spare lesson) so I shall end it here! :D
~This is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow~
Sunday, 15 May 2011
So this weekend my parents organised a weekend away to Mooloolaba... I was never keen on this idea, but I was especially not keen when I found out that we would be taking the dogs with us (3 sulky dogs in a car for 2 hours equals -.-), I would be missing out on the Eurovision party that [Tenuto Tuo] held last night, and that I would not be able to communicate with anybody except for [Carl].
It's not that I don't like talking to [Carl]! It's just that I wanted to talk to other people as well... But I couldn't unless I wanted to waste all my credit within two days... Let's just say I was going through major internet deprivations all weekend... >.<
The most interesting part of this weekend would have been the body art... Sure I wasn't keen on the idea that there were girls wearing nothing but underwear and paint in front of me, but the actual art was beautiful! Oh, and there were also guys wearing nothing but shorts (short shorts...) so I was cool with it I guess... ;P
I just found out that [Tenuto Tuo] is now single... First reaction? :O Whaaaaaaaaaa?
I literally started crying while reading his last blog (ever)... No idea why, but I did... I absolutely adored them as a couple and (at times) was quite jealous of what they had! But what's done is done, and I know for a fact that [Tenuto Tuo] will move on and find someone else and be oh-so-happy! :) And that's all I want for my best friend. <3
Anyways, I know this is a bit short but I don't really know what to talk about... I mean, there's heaps! But I don't know what exactly to put into this post... So I shall just leave it here for now...
~You'll come back, when they call you, no need to say goodbye...~
It's not that I don't like talking to [Carl]! It's just that I wanted to talk to other people as well... But I couldn't unless I wanted to waste all my credit within two days... Let's just say I was going through major internet deprivations all weekend... >.<
The most interesting part of this weekend would have been the body art... Sure I wasn't keen on the idea that there were girls wearing nothing but underwear and paint in front of me, but the actual art was beautiful! Oh, and there were also guys wearing nothing but shorts (short shorts...) so I was cool with it I guess... ;P
I just found out that [Tenuto Tuo] is now single... First reaction? :O Whaaaaaaaaaa?
I literally started crying while reading his last blog (ever)... No idea why, but I did... I absolutely adored them as a couple and (at times) was quite jealous of what they had! But what's done is done, and I know for a fact that [Tenuto Tuo] will move on and find someone else and be oh-so-happy! :) And that's all I want for my best friend. <3
Anyways, I know this is a bit short but I don't really know what to talk about... I mean, there's heaps! But I don't know what exactly to put into this post... So I shall just leave it here for now...
~You'll come back, when they call you, no need to say goodbye...~
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
We Want Zheroooooo!!!
So (as mentioned yesterday) Channel 10 and the Fatality Free Friday Foundation came to our school... Robbing us of precious time that could've been used to learn Maths & Physics *cough*, only to make us say "We want zero!" Jumping up on the zero... The sentence refers to the number of deaths on the road...
Anyways, so my gorgeous [Phantomess] was interviewed along with a fellow male student... But only the guy was shown on TV... When it was over I was like "Whaaaaaa? Why wasn't [Phantomess] on there? What is this!". Then I totally flipped out and threw the TV out the window... Yeah sure... If this was an extremely over-exaggerated movie of a dramatic genre... But let's just say I did 'cause it makes me look totally buff... Hehehe.
On another note... We we're watching the movie Fireproof in RAVE this afternoon... The movie bored me to death... But the idea of the 40 day challenge intrigued me... Oh right, some of you may have no idea what I am talking about... My apologies!
Basically this dude is a total a**hole to his wife and has been for quite some time... They are both at each other's throats constantly, then the wife says she wants a divorce. He thinks she's been treating him badly, and that he hasn't done anything at all wrong etcetera; and he tells his Dad about how they're getting a divorce and how she's a b***h and other stuff...
So his Dad hands over a small notebook that contains the "Love Dare" telling him to ask his wife to wait 40 days; giving him time to complete the challenge...
In the notebook it lists things to do for 40 days... For example:
Day 1: "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." So you know he just had to keep his mouth shut all day...
Then the days continued with different things he would do to try to win her back. Buy roses, learn about her (here he organises this beautiful dinner and she totes rejects him and goes to bed. I think I found this bit too funny...). About half way through he has to start getting rid of all the bad things like any addictions he has (he watched porn all the time... So he ended up smashing the whole computer with a baseball bat (I swear he smashed too many things in that movie with the bat... I reckon that addiction needed to go too!)).
Anyways, so yeah I was just thinking about how whether or not that really works or not... (Turns out in the end it was a way to get Caleb (the dude potentially getting the divorce) to become Christian so I was like uhhh great...).
If I leave out the Christianity bit, I'm curious as to how whether or not that would really work... Or whether or not a guy would put effort into something like that to save a marriage... Etcetera, etcetera... My mind goes on pointless rambles I swear...
Oh yeah... And he gets his girl back in the end...Happily ever after, and all the usual stuff you hear.... Blech, where's some creativity people?!?
On a random note... My single rein is now over... (So soon she cries!). I'm kidding [Riot!]! :P Yes, that would be the lucky fellow ;P. [Phantomess] knows exactly what I'm talking about when I say that I am the best damn girlfriend/wife material round ;) hehehehe...
No, no... In all seriousness now... Ehhhh, what am I kidding... I'm in no serious mood! Jeez, what world do you live in if you expect me to be all serious like? :O Shame on you...
On another random note... [Phantomess] you better get yourself [tos] tickets verrrry soon, so [Clearly Unfocused] can get the rest of ours, so I can get all hyped up for it chyeahhh? :D Coolz, it's agreed... Hehehe.
Oooooooh! That reminds me... All my musically talented friends :) We need to convince [BlueEyes] to let us go see Doctor Zhivago! I tried... And failed... She didn't even notice my attempts... I was totes devo ;(.
So ummm... I might leave your confuzzled minds so you can retain some sanity again from another one of my pointless rants! :D
~Who knows where this symphony's going...~
Anyways, so my gorgeous [Phantomess] was interviewed along with a fellow male student... But only the guy was shown on TV... When it was over I was like "Whaaaaaa? Why wasn't [Phantomess] on there? What is this!". Then I totally flipped out and threw the TV out the window... Yeah sure... If this was an extremely over-exaggerated movie of a dramatic genre... But let's just say I did 'cause it makes me look totally buff... Hehehe.
On another note... We we're watching the movie Fireproof in RAVE this afternoon... The movie bored me to death... But the idea of the 40 day challenge intrigued me... Oh right, some of you may have no idea what I am talking about... My apologies!
Basically this dude is a total a**hole to his wife and has been for quite some time... They are both at each other's throats constantly, then the wife says she wants a divorce. He thinks she's been treating him badly, and that he hasn't done anything at all wrong etcetera; and he tells his Dad about how they're getting a divorce and how she's a b***h and other stuff...
So his Dad hands over a small notebook that contains the "Love Dare" telling him to ask his wife to wait 40 days; giving him time to complete the challenge...
In the notebook it lists things to do for 40 days... For example:
Day 1: "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." So you know he just had to keep his mouth shut all day...
Then the days continued with different things he would do to try to win her back. Buy roses, learn about her (here he organises this beautiful dinner and she totes rejects him and goes to bed. I think I found this bit too funny...). About half way through he has to start getting rid of all the bad things like any addictions he has (he watched porn all the time... So he ended up smashing the whole computer with a baseball bat (I swear he smashed too many things in that movie with the bat... I reckon that addiction needed to go too!)).
Anyways, so yeah I was just thinking about how whether or not that really works or not... (Turns out in the end it was a way to get Caleb (the dude potentially getting the divorce) to become Christian so I was like uhhh great...).
If I leave out the Christianity bit, I'm curious as to how whether or not that would really work... Or whether or not a guy would put effort into something like that to save a marriage... Etcetera, etcetera... My mind goes on pointless rambles I swear...
Oh yeah... And he gets his girl back in the end...Happily ever after, and all the usual stuff you hear.... Blech, where's some creativity people?!?
On a random note... My single rein is now over... (So soon she cries!). I'm kidding [Riot!]! :P Yes, that would be the lucky fellow ;P. [Phantomess] knows exactly what I'm talking about when I say that I am the best damn girlfriend/wife material round ;) hehehehe...
No, no... In all seriousness now... Ehhhh, what am I kidding... I'm in no serious mood! Jeez, what world do you live in if you expect me to be all serious like? :O Shame on you...
On another random note... [Phantomess] you better get yourself [tos] tickets verrrry soon, so [Clearly Unfocused] can get the rest of ours, so I can get all hyped up for it chyeahhh? :D Coolz, it's agreed... Hehehe.
Oooooooh! That reminds me... All my musically talented friends :) We need to convince [BlueEyes] to let us go see Doctor Zhivago! I tried... And failed... She didn't even notice my attempts... I was totes devo ;(.
So ummm... I might leave your confuzzled minds so you can retain some sanity again from another one of my pointless rants! :D
~Who knows where this symphony's going...~
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
He Tits Me Off So Much...
To explain the line above... My good friends [Phantomess] and [Clearly Unfocused] took me out of Chemistry today because they needed my help identifying anybody in Senior Choir to tell them that the rehearsal this afternoon had been cancelled... Anyways, we passed a classroom with Year 9 students and we saw a guy in there... Let's just say this guy spams our Facebook news feeds with pointless garbage and seems to "not know who his true friends are' because he seems to have an endless supply of them... But they're not "true" friends...
Anyways, so we were walking past the classroom and we see him...
[Clearly Unfocused]: He ticks me off so much.
[Miss Invisible]: Yeah...
[Phantomess]: Woah what?
[Clearly Unfocused]: I said, he ticks me off so much.
[Phantomess]: Oh, I thought you said he tits me off so much!
{All three}: Crack up laughing...
Ahhhhh good times :) Gotta love my dear husband mixing up words... As well as saying "Yeah, word" to her English teacher who then calls her the most ghetto student at the school to his grade (8/9?) class. Oh! And as well as her writing 'intercourse' in her Biology book instead of 'interphase'... As well as so many other things... [Phantomess] my dear, you are so entertaining! :P You can't ever leave my life because I need you smile, your laugh, and your dirty jokes that are always told at the best of times! :P <3
On a random note... Today was my one month anniversary of being single... Yew! :P
So on another random note... The seniors (and possibly the year 11's now?) are going to be on TV tomorrow! These news stations are coming and watching some of us go on a driving simulator and asking questions about what the school has done for us etcetera...
Good luck to [Phantomess] who is the chosen spokesperson for our school! :P Don't crash in the simulator now... (Teeheehee).
So, uhhh... Well I've already run out of things to say... My imagination needs a heck of a recharge! I'm finding it wayyyy too hard to think of blog topics lately... :P Hopefully I shall be writing inspirational garbage again soon... Hehehe
~What the hell!~
Anyways, so we were walking past the classroom and we see him...
[Clearly Unfocused]: He ticks me off so much.
[Miss Invisible]: Yeah...
[Phantomess]: Woah what?
[Clearly Unfocused]: I said, he ticks me off so much.
[Phantomess]: Oh, I thought you said he tits me off so much!
{All three}: Crack up laughing...
Ahhhhh good times :) Gotta love my dear husband mixing up words... As well as saying "Yeah, word" to her English teacher who then calls her the most ghetto student at the school to his grade (8/9?) class. Oh! And as well as her writing 'intercourse' in her Biology book instead of 'interphase'... As well as so many other things... [Phantomess] my dear, you are so entertaining! :P You can't ever leave my life because I need you smile, your laugh, and your dirty jokes that are always told at the best of times! :P <3
On a random note... Today was my one month anniversary of being single... Yew! :P
So on another random note... The seniors (and possibly the year 11's now?) are going to be on TV tomorrow! These news stations are coming and watching some of us go on a driving simulator and asking questions about what the school has done for us etcetera...
Good luck to [Phantomess] who is the chosen spokesperson for our school! :P Don't crash in the simulator now... (Teeheehee).
So, uhhh... Well I've already run out of things to say... My imagination needs a heck of a recharge! I'm finding it wayyyy too hard to think of blog topics lately... :P Hopefully I shall be writing inspirational garbage again soon... Hehehe
~What the hell!~
Saturday, 7 May 2011
State Schools FTW
So tonight I attended [Tenuto Tuo]'s boyfriend's school musical production dubbed Alice in Beatlesland and boy was I blown away!!!
There was so much talent and so much heart into this production from the beginning till the end... There was also a Director's speech and giving of presents to teachers that overwhelmed me with feelings of love, support, community and friendship...
It made me realise how bad the school I go to is.
Seriously... For the price my parents have to pay to send me to a small private college compared to what I actually get at the end of my schooling life... Does not match up.
The school I went to tonight was a state school. Now I'm not stereotyping... But you would think that a private college would have more than a state school does...
In consideration; the school I go to is only around 13 years old... But when you look at the fee price and note how the school always seem to require fundraising for any event or activity; resources are being built one at a time, very slowly, with a few years in between each one; and the fact that it can't even put together a DECENT musical production...
The production, Honk!, I was unable to go see, so I'm not sure what the quality of that was... The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe was the last one the school had which I was in... And, well, it wasn't the greatest... Not to mention the production my school is writing themselves for this year... My goodness I cannot begin to explain how confusing the plot is and how confused every single person involved is... I shall attempt to explain it more when I have a better idea on what's going on.
We don't have many students at the school, which means there is a less chance of finding talents... Even when you can find talents, most students at the school don't have much community spirit, or don't want to participate at all... Which leaves only a small group of people, of which maybe two are good singers, five are good actors, and six are good dancers... The rest are usually young children used to fill the choir, dance troupe or younger mainline characters...
Put that all together, and you get an ever-so-loverly production from the best school in the district... "Supposedly".
Anyways, tonight made me really want to switch over to the Indooroopilly school... But it's a tad late (with only two terms of school to go), plus transport would be a major issue... But I am so jealous of the amount of support and love I felt tonight within the musical cast (and all who came to watch) tonight it's crazy... But I guess not everything in life goes your way!!!
On a random note... A shout out to [That Dancer Chick] who has very recently joined the blogging world :)
And a shout out to a new follower of mine who I don't know, but I very much enjoy your blog! I am talking about a fellow muso by the name of [Richard Ford]. Have a look at his blog, it's quite good! :)
~All you need is love~
Friday, 6 May 2011
I Haz More Regina Spektor?
I so haven't been listening to The Call on repeat for the past couple of days at all... No... *Cough*...
I don't know what it is about this song that strikes me so much... Maybe it's because the lyrics have some relevance to my current, messed up life...? Or it could be just that I absolutely love the music and it relaxes me to the point where I can forget about everything... At least temporarily...
"Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye"
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye"
Things between [Carl] and I couldn't get any more complicated... Not to mention the constant worrying over who I'm now going to take to the formal... Or potentially go by myself and risk being unhappy... I also have five assignments due sometime between now and six weeks from now... But I come home every afternoon and manage to do absolutely nothing... Same with the weekends! And there are most likely other, minor, issues that add onto the load...
On the other hand... I am currently crashing [Riot!]'s English class half watching To Kill A Mockingbird and half blogging this... I love knowing that no matter what could be worrying me or stressing me out; I have amazing friends who can make me feel better, or at least make me forget about stuff and just have fun for a random period of time...
[Clearly Unfocused], [Phantomess], [GoJo], [Tenuto Tuo], & [Riot!]... I would just like to say thank you for always being there for me (no matter how messed up at the time), for always putting a smile on my face or making me laugh till I almost cry... I love you guys :) <3
Ew. There's a Zac Efron poster in here... Random thought I know, but I felt it had to be shared! :D Make that two posters of him... What is our (male) teacher thinking? =.=
Why can't there be posters of famous Europop singers? Or musical productions? Or of musical characters!!! (Mmmm... Rum Tum Tugger ;P). Or anything else to do with either Europop, musicals, GOOD music, good-looking musical cast members... *Cough* [Phantomess] & [Clearly Unfocused], West Side Story *Cough*... ;)
Anyways, the lesson is almost over so I should probably wrap this up... I had no idea what I was trying to write initially... But I know that it went a fair bit off course by the end... Oh well!
~Thirty-five's a perfect BMI~
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Then It Grew Into A Hope...
Yesterday afternoon I asked my teacher [BlueEyes] (imaginative I know... But I can't think of anything else currently) what song I shall be singing... (I realise I posted a few posts ago about finding that out but not knowing the artist... Turns out the Junior Choir is singing that song, not me...) So yeah, I asked and she told me that it was The Call by Regina Spektor. I went home, found it on YouTube and had a listen and, at first I was like "Eh, this song's okaaayyyy..." Then all of a sudden I found myself buying it off iTunes and listening to it 25 times on repeat... Oh, and I also watched the scene from the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian that the song features in.
I've barely learnt any of the words and I have now listened to it 43 times... It's one of those songs that you just listen to and can relax too... And it also gets in your head very easily... And it stays there... For quite some time!!!
Here is the video (with lyrics for your viewing pleasure).
I'm incredibly nervous as to how I'm going to sing this and do it justice... But hey! I have the main part in the last school production I'll be in... I'm gonna give it my best shot! :)
~No need to say goodbye~
I've barely learnt any of the words and I have now listened to it 43 times... It's one of those songs that you just listen to and can relax too... And it also gets in your head very easily... And it stays there... For quite some time!!!
Here is the video (with lyrics for your viewing pleasure).
I'm incredibly nervous as to how I'm going to sing this and do it justice... But hey! I have the main part in the last school production I'll be in... I'm gonna give it my best shot! :)
~No need to say goodbye~
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